Friday, October 10, 2014

Tattoo Watch

Well I knew I couldn't escape without a few battle scars =( so here they are in all their glory lol.
So we had our baby shower, a coed "Baby-Q" which was hosted by my sister in law and both grandmas-to-be. It was so much fun and we were blessed with many lovely things for our son. It really put the burner under my butt about how much time we have left.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ermergherd! It's PUMPKIN SEASON!

I must say that I am whole-heartedly embracing pumpkin season. From air fresheners to bagels and even yogurt (yoplait pumpkin cheesecake...I just ate some hehe)  I am loving the season's changing. It's still pretty hot most of the time but luckily we have had a few rain sessions lately.

Being pregnant has really gotten uncomfortable and I feel terrible for every pregnant woman I see. I am 32 weeks now and counting down the days until I can hold my sweet baby. I am very large now and everyone loves to point it out (as if I forgot about how heavy this bump is lol) however this week I experienced the worst sickness thus far this pregnancy... THE COMMON COLD. Oh my am I miserable! I feel extreme guilt taking medications so I tried to stay away from all cold medicine even though my doctor said I could take some sparingly. I did succumb to afrin nasal decongestant to get a few glorious hours of rest. I'm still miserable even a week later.

I had the worst doctors appointment yet.

I'm still pretty upset by it but I'll outline the gist of what happened. I went in and he did an ultrasound. He said the baby is measuring in the 98th percentile and at 31 weeks was 5 pounds 1 oz. He told me it has nothing to do with my diabetes. The baby is measuring large all around and his abdomen is the smallest part which is the marker for diabetes related size issues (an enlarged abdomen should indicate problems) . His daddy was a large baby and still has a big head full of knowledge!

These ultrasounds are not 100% accurate and I know that but it's hard in the moment to not let the fear take over.

He said I need to prepare for a c section at 39 weeks because his head is "so" big. He thinks the baby will be about 10.5 pounds full term. He said for a first time mom that's too big.  He said the head is measuring 5 weeks ahead and if I even attempt vaginal delivery it will shear the patch of nerves that control my bladder and I will pee myself for the rest of my life.

He then said if I insist on a vaginal delivery "attempt" I can't do it without an epidural because "if we need to stick our hands far up to turn him you can't handle that without an epidural"

The next gem was regarding rupturing membranes. He said after 4 CM they rupture all bags because they "do nothing but get in the way" I know this puts me on a 24 hour timeline to get delivered fur to infection risk. He said after that all the cervical exams would push bacteria into my uterus which if I then had to have an emergency c section I could get a massive infection that could need multiple blood transfusions and that I could die.

Yes. He told me it was very likely I could die. I cried in the room. But now I'm enraged.

I asked how on earth my mother in law and aunt both naturally and successfully delivered almost 11 pound babies and she's fine. He didn't have an answer.

The other issue I have is they are insisting on NSTs twice a week starting next Monday. I asked what the statistics were necessitating that. He said in a normal pregnancy the risk of still birth is 5/1000, for type 1 diabetics it's 15-20/1000 and that twice weekly non stress tests bring it down to 1/1000. He said there's 98% chance that nothing will happen. Many people have said those statistics just aren't true in the first place and I'm going to ask him for some evidence to back up his statements.

I am at a cross roads here because I've lost every last bit of confidence I had in him as my doctor. I no longer trust that he has my best interests in mind. I don't have the option of switching doctors because unfortunately the partners at his office are worse than him and it's the only high risk office in my area. Needless to say I am very bummed by this. I have to remember just a few things:

My body was made to birth my child.


This doctor has no say in what happens to my body or my baby.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

SO Beyond Frustrated!

My doctor told me my insulin needs would double or triple by 26 weeks. I expected it to rise but I seriously did not expect it to literally double. At 28 weeks now  I am on 40+ units in 24 hours for basal and my carb ratio is almost exactly double my pre-pregnancy ratio. This is getting frustrating. I woke up with a fasting of 90, normally 60-70 :O I know that 90 is not the end of the world but it really discourages me for the rest of the day and I get afraid to eat. I know this is not good for the baby so I am trying to get better about  my eating habits. I went crazy with pumpkin and made the most amazing baked pumpkin oatmeal and then for kicks pumpkin steel cut oats. I CAN'T WAIT FOR FALL!

On a different note! The floor is done in the nursery! I am so ecstatic to have the gorgeous hardwood ready for the nursery to be put together soon.
 Here are my 24 and 28 week pictures :) I am HUGE and feeling every bit of it now.
After 28 weeks the stickers go up every 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks so I guess that's telling me things are going to keep getting gigantic and quickly. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Birth Boot Camp

Me and the Hubby decided to take a "Birth Boot Camp" class... A wonderful lady, who I met through my doula is teaching it. We weren't sure if we wanted to take a Bradley method class, hypnobabies or another version of a natural birth class.

We were recommended this birth boot camp and upon checking it out it looks like what I want. We are very excited to start in the next couple of weeks. I struggle with on and off days where I feel completely confident that I can have the healthy and natural birth that I want and then boom, I feel despair and sadness that I should just relinquish the idea of a positive vaginal birth. I really think this class will help me remain even more positive. I will update as we start :) is the website to check out more information. This is not a sponsored post, I am just sharing the path we have chosen to take in hopes it may help someone reading.

22 Weeks with Bump Pic/Unfortunate pic of foot swelling :/

Here I am a few days ago at 22 weeks (23w2d now) in one of my old shirts that still fits! Please excuse the poor quality, it's a phone picture taken in the mirror. 
We went to the fair that night. Walking around the fair took a lot out of me and I finally got the "poor pregnant lady swollen feet" which is now a common occurrence at night, shown below. 
Yikes! No amount of water or elevation is helping these poor things :(

I have another appointment coming up next week, things are going well still and my doctor is back from vacation so I can see him again. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tattoo Watch!

Well, we are on tattoo watch now! I am fully expecting my poor tattoos to be destroyed in the remainder of the pregnancy. We will see how that goes!

I am still able to put my insulin pump site on my stomach! It's getting harder on the front as my skin stretches so I'm sticking to the sides but I think I may have to move it to my legs soon :( I won't lie, I am a little concerned about that.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I am so hungry!

I am so hungry right now I wanted to make a post with some of the food I've had lately. My husband took me to an awesome crab restaurant where I tried craw fish for the first time, then the next week came home and made my own mini shrimp boil with baby red potatoes, corn, andouille sausage shrimp and lobster with French baguette on the side  Mmmmm!

  I'm really craving fish and chips right now as well as spicy Clamato juice and hamburgers. Right now anything seafood and spicy and tomato-ey would make me happy! 

This was super simple and delicious & extremely cheap! Just $1 each the box and bottle

This drink with the mini hamburgers looks amazing and  it combines everything delicious to me right now.

8 Through 20 Week Progression Photos

I am now 21 weeks. Here is the progression from 8 to 20. You can clearly see the exhaustion on my face from week 8 where I was completely miserable to just last week. I am feeling better, though the second trimester is not all rainbows and glitter toots like some people say it is :( 

One thing I am totally excited about is the kicks! I can feel and see them and so can Hubby :) He really reacts to music and the "flashlight trick" where you shine a flashlight on your stomach and the baby kind of follows it and kicks. He is really active at night :O Luckily I work nights so I am used to it. 

There is not much to report on the diabetes front, my insulin is going up again and I am officially above my pre-pregnancy levels. It is a daily frustration for me but I am really proud of my 6.2% A1C. It has been a lot of hard work but the little guy is measuring perfectly still so it is paying off for sure!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Anatomy scan 19 weeks

I had my anatomy scan today. I was 19 weeks 1 day. The baby is measuring 20 weeks exactly. I'm glad to hear this because my last appointment at the perinatologist didn't go well. The doctor (who I will refuse to see ever again) said the baby was huge, with a large head, and in the 90th percentile and two+ weeks ahead, she then rolled her eyes at me when I said "oh my I don't want a 12 pound baby" I cried as soon as she left the room. I felt like a failure, like I had done this on purpose and he was suffering because of me.

Little guy was cooperative for the first part of the scan but when it came time to scan his spine he wouldn't move. We spent a whole twenty minutes extra just trying to get him to turn over. My stomach is pretty sore now from the painful jabbing. I now know all the little feelings I'm getting *ARE* him moving because I could see him moving and correlate it with the feelings. It was very cool to see but I'm on edge waiting for the results to come back on the next couple days.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

17 Weeks and 4 Days

My little guy is getting pretty active these days. It is thrilling to feel the little popcorn pops. We are counting down the days until Daddy can feel him kick also. Here is a snap shot from 16 weeks.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

It's a....................

It's a BOY!!!! I cannot wait to meet my little boy! We are so excited :) I have thought it was a boy the whole time maybe Moms instincts are real??

Thursday, May 22, 2014


As I head into the second trimester I have started to think about what I want in regards to delivery. I know that unless I spontaneously go into labor early I will be induced because of my diabetes. I won't lie that pitocin scares me. I have heard nothing but horror stories of women all set to deliver naturally and unmedicated who then beg for an epidural to escape the relentless pain that comes with pitocin. I want to try my best to go naturally. To help myself and my husband I decided to hire a doula! We met with her yesterday and decided she would be perfect to help us out. She herself went through an induction without an epidural and that in and of itself made me know she was the one. In the moment I am thinking I can't do it she will know exactly what I'm thinking and can help remind me of the decisions I made beforehand and why. I am super excited to get to know her and have her support and knowledge.

On another note, in 12 days we will be able to find out the sex of the baby and we are so excited about that! We will be having a small gender reveal party to announce the gender. I will have the ultrasound tech write the sex on a piece of paper then I will take it to a bakery and have them make a cake that has either blue or pink frosting inside. We will get to be surprised just like everyone else :-) we are so excited and amazed that it's time already to find out!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

12 weeks =)

 The other day I began week 12 ( so glad 2nd trimester is so close!!!) I have had my first appointment ( at 10 weeks) and everything went well. Our little gummy bear had a heartbeat of 160 and we got to see him/her move around a lot. I got all of my blood work back and my HBA1C was 6.4 I am working towards a goal of 5. I know it will be hard but it is worth it! I am finding the days easier to get through now that my severe morning sickness has subsided a lot. In fact I have not had to take any zofran for many weeks. I can see why many women gain a lot of weight!!! It is really hard to not devour everything in sight! We will be able to determine the sex of the baby on June 3rd and we cannot wait because we will have a reveal party for our friends and family! I plan on not finding out at the ultrasound and having the tech write the sex on a paper in an envelope that I will take to a local bakery to have them fill the inside of a cake with either blue or pink frosting which we will cut for the first time in front of everyone. Thank you to everyone reading this and I am sorry I have been absent lately :(

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Week 7

I've now almost reached week 7 with my little bean and I've found that my insulin requirements that had nearly doubled since first have now gone to lower rates than before I got pregnant. I am currently miserable with morning sickness and got prescribed zofran which is giving me immense relief from the constant nausea and vomiting. I am hoping to become more active with my writing since I'm going to start feeling better.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I dropped off the face of the earth!

Man oh man, the past few weeks have been terrible. I am a huge baby when I get a cold so I've been put out for a bit. We also had a terrible accident in the family and I've been caught up in some bad moods and worrying lately so I apologize for disappearing. I will get back to writing soon I promise! Thank you for sticking around!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why am I opening up something private to my friends and family?

Many people are probably wondering why I am opening up about something so private with the world. I am not ashamed of what I am doing. I have natural feelings and desires to create a family. I am generally a private person but because of my struggles with this disease I wanted to open up about it for people to read and maybe start to understand. Whether writing here helps someone also struggling with the same situation or it helps a loved one understand what someone in their life is going through then I have done good. Diabetes and pregnancy is a subject not talked about very much. Growing up I truly believed it was not possible, I was not worried about it in the least. As I got older and became engaged and then married I started researching for information to help me understand if my dreams were possible. It turns out they are entirely possible. I have teamed up with my endocrinologist who has referred me to a Peri-natologist which is an OB with a specialty in high risk pregnancies.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ways To Follow me! Facebook,Babycenter etc...

Follow me On Facebook!

As always you can email me from this blog on the sidebar or directly to SugarNSpiceDiabetesLife@Gmail.Com

Another Day, Another Dollar-store pregnancy test

So over the past few months I have gotten a little less neurotic each time about testing ASAP with a First Response (FRER). I was spending a littttttle too much money on them. Like $20 A BOX OF 2 :O

So I bought some dollar store cheapies and tested today, one day before good old Auntie Flo is expected. Bummer :( another month gone by. The most disappointing part is that I have been diligently temping and using ovulation predictor kits and it feels like this is somehow eluding me. I hate when people say "stop trying and it will happen" That is a ridiculous statement to me and maybe would be better stated " Work on being more relaxed"

I won't lie that I have been less than motivated to write lately. I started this with the intent of it being very therapeutic for the sad parts of this process but usually thinking about writing makes me even more sad. On the bright side my moods are totally lifted by the gorgeous California Sun and 75 degree weather. It makes me want to go camping and ride my motorcycle and barbecue with friends! That could only help me relax right ;)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The first disappointment

Realistically I knew that the first couple of months trying to get pregnant wouldn't work in my favor. I had hopes because people get pregnant on accident all the time. One night stands produce children often. I personally know people this has happened to. I was four days late this month. I have never in my life ever had a late period. I was so sure this month would be it. Except I got many negative tests. My hubby has been supportive the whole time and kept hope with me. I can't help but say my closest friends haven't done the same. I feel alone now because I cannot confide in them the struggle I felt knowing this is abnormal but the test kept saying negative. They kept saying it's so unlikely to have happened already, it takes time. I wanted support and hope and I got doubt and negative reactions. Maybe they had my best interests in mind, maybe to keep my hopes from getting too high just to be shot down when it was confirmed this wouldn't be our month. The fact is that no matter what they said my feelings would be the same. Them pointing out that it probably wasn't this month didn't make me any less hopeful that it would be or any less sad to know it wasn't.